Thursday, August 1, 2019

Where Else Can You Find Me?

I occasionally get asked about other resources I have out there. Here are a few other places you can find my input:

Reader's Digest:
(Same article)

Parade Magazine:

CruiseRadio.Net had a respectful opinion piece on the Ketchikan floatplane tragedy:

May 2019 Edition of American Profile Magazine:

February 2019 Edition of Woman's Day Magazine:

Looking for more cruising information? 
Take a look at what else you can find here at Deb's Days!

Monday, July 29, 2019

Join Me for a Cruising Alaska Event!

Don't forget, next week I have a Cruising Alaska event coming up. 

If you're in the Boise area, consider joining me for this FREE class. I'd love to have you!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

An Itty Bitty Break

  • Try making a dozen quilts for adults with a sad, old, doesn't-like-thick-material sewing machine. (My good machine? Oh yeah, the sewing machine place tells me it will cost more to fix it than it would to get a new one.)
  • Try filming any YouTube videos when five little foster kitties come running (and meowing) each time they hear you speak. They can be sound asleep, hear my voice, and BAM they are awake and in my face.
  • Try typing on the computer when those same said kitties think they should also be typing. And playing with your notes. 
  • Try locking those five little foster kitties out of the room and hear them meow-meow-meow-yowl on the other side of the door.
  • Try keeping multiple litter boxes clean and food bowls and water bowls full with five growing little squirts.
  • Try being creative when kitties think they should lick your hands and arms and hair and clothes when they are near you.
  • Throw in a Cruising Alaska class at the library to prepare for.
  • Add in a wedding anniversary next week and a husband's birthday the week after that.
  • Don't forget, I'm also doing the travel agent job, too.

What does all that equal? A tired gal. A gal having a difficult time getting anything written, taped, uploaded, or published. In the interest of my sanity, my time right now needs to be spent providing clients with personalized service and the foster kitties with positive interactions. To make that happen I'm taking an itty bitty social media break from the blog, YouTube, and Pinterest.

I'll be back. I don't know when, but probably not until the kitties grow up and go to their new homes.

See you soon, and thanks for understanding.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

5 Things to Know about Ocean Medallion™ on Princess Cruises

5 things to know about the Ocean Medallion on Princess Cruises

If you’re sailing on one of Princess Cruises  Medallion Class ships here are five things you should know about the Medallion.

Want to watch the video instead of reading about it? Check it out here:

1. It's free. 
Yep, it doesn’t cost you a penny. You can either order it ahead of time and have it delivered to your home (if you’re a US resident) or you can pick it up at the pier. Currently the Medallion comes with a plastic case, an insert, and a lanyard.

Don’t want to wear the lanyard? Ditch it and just keep it in the case instead. Don’t want to use the case? Ditch that and just keep the quarter-sized Medallion in your pocket.

If you do want to wear it and show it off, there are accessories like sports band, pendants and bracelets, and clips. Check out Vickie's blog at for photos of Medallion accessories available for purchase.

2. It replaces your cruise card, credit card, and ID when on board. 
You’ll find your name, date, and ship on your Medallion and it's color-coded according to your loyalty level.
Want to pay for your shopping purchases or even your t-shirts from the 2 for $20 sale or a drink at the bar? Just place your Medallion on the MedallionPay™  point. Just tap the sensors for going on and off the ship in port and at the Muster Drill, too. Playing in the casino? Just put your Medallion up against the sensor and it’ll recognize you and turn green.
You’ll also find servers have a little blue thingy on their devices. It’s a Medallion reader, too. They’ll place it up against your Medallion and, if things work properly, it’ll read it.

How about your cabin? Yep, it knows who you and will automatically unlock your door for you.

3. It knows where you are.
You can use one of the portals to find your traveling companions or you can download the OceanCompass app onto your device. This is an app I used every single day for one thing and one thing only. To find my hubby on the ship. He would tootle off to breakfast and I’d meet up with him after he already had a couple cups of coffee in him. Whether he was in the Piazza drinking coffee or at the buffet, I could find him.

If you need help navigating the ship, it gives step by step directions to get to your traveling companion. Adult passengers can turn off the location services if they choose. Kids can’t.

4. You can use it to order things no matter where you are on the ship.
Thirsty? Just look at everything I can order using the OceanNow app. Cocktails, nonalcoholic, beers and wines, sodas. Choose your drink, the order goes into the system, and a server will bring it right to you. They will be able to pinpoint where you are using their device.
As of now on the Royal Princess, that first drink is free.

What if you're hungry and don't want to stand in that pizza or fry line at the pool? Use the OceanNow app to order them up.
Hungry for room service? The OceanNow app has you covered there, too.
Need a robe, ice or extra hangers? Spa products? Medallion accessories? Check, check, and check.

5. It’s optional.
Don’t want to use a medallion? You don’t have to. Just know, if you choose to stick with your cruise card you won’t have access to all the features of the Medallion.

5 things to know about the Ocean Medallion on Princess Cruises

Friday, July 19, 2019

Foster Friday

I'm not sure why foster kitties think it's okay to pull fabric out of my cubbies. Need a hidden space for a nap, perhaps? Can't ask Crepe. She's a bit tired.

Want to help contribute to the work I do with foster kittens? I have an Amazon wish list right here. These are the things I use again and again, year after year. With daily laundry and frequent cleaning, items have to be replaced often. I’d love anything you’d be willing to send my way!