Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Day 14 - The Longest Month Ever

March started out great. I taught my Cruising with Confidence class to a full house, only needing to spend a few minutes talking about Coronavirus. During those first few days of the month it was a distant issue on a distant ship in a distant country.

My, how things have changed.

I don't know about you, but March was by far the longest month of my life. The speed at which our lives were upended - and continue to be upended - is mind boggling. Exhausting, too. I'm afraid April won't be much better, but I am so very glad March is done.

I was expecting to end the month by finally getting myself to the doctor's office. I've been putting it off way too long, worried about being in a place with a bunch of sick people. With my primary doctor sharing space with the urgent care clinic my fear was warranted. They've just started sending patients with respiratory symptoms to another clinic so with March wrapping up I had to get in. As you can imagine, just like my grocery shopping last week, going to see the doctor was a surreal experience. Thankfully I came away with 10 more days of antibiotics.

As I was driving home from picking up my prescription I had a little talk with myself. I told myself I needed to really look around me. With traffic very minimal (at rush hour, no less), I could spend more time paying attention to the world around me and not the road. I paid attention to all the trees in bloom. To the spring flowers beginning to bloom in yards. I studied the dark clouds moving in.

Once home, after dinner and after dinner dishes were washed, I put my feet up in the recliner and we settled in for more episodes of The Waltons. I finally could relax, knowing March was about over and April would bring a fresh start. And that's when it hit.

The earthquake.

The 6.5 one, with an epicenter northeast of Boise.

As we each braced ourselves under the nearest doorways my only thought was we had picked the wrong doorways. I was on one half of the double wide and Ed was in a doorway on the other half. If our manufactured home slipped off the blocks he would go one one and I the other.

Thankfully the home stayed put.
Thankfully only a clock and picture fell.
Thankfully it was a rolling, not a shaking, earthquake. A movement like being on a cruise ship.
Thankfully our daughter was safe and her gas lines were intact.
Thankfully so far all the multiple aftershocks haven't required doorway protection.
Thankfully March is over.

I am working hard at going into April with a clear and calm mind, body, and soul. Let's start it with the colors of my world from yesterday. Yep, even the dark clouds. Because today is a new day and the sun is shining.

Let's keep it that way.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Make a Denim Heart Potholder - Tutorial Tuesday

Make Your Own Homemade Denim Heart Potholder in Minutes

For today's Tutorial Tuesday I'm up with another heart sewing project with recycled denim. We all need a little love right now so let's coordinate it with the heart coasters we made a while back.
Homemade Heart Denim Potholder Sewing Project

For this project you will need:
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Looking for something else? 
Check out some of my other Valentine's Day sewing and crafting projects!

Ready for the directions? You can find the step-by-step how to tutorial for the homemade denim heart potholder sewing project right here:

Monday, March 30, 2020

Day 12 - Slowing Down the Machine

As I was sewing along on my machine today, I realized I sew too fast. It’s not because I like sewing fast, but because I usually have set myself an unrealistic target date. Or I’ve gotten in over my head, trying to get too many charity kids quilts or stockings for soldiers sewn. (Remember the year I made 625 of them? Yikes.) But not today.

Today’s project was another one for my daughter. I regularly supply her with themed throw pillow covers for her couch. Slip cover pillow covers, if you will. Being I most likely won’t be able to see her until after the lockdown, I took my time with my sewing. In fact, I didn’t even do all four today - just the reds. The flower ones will have to wait. It was quite a nice feeling to be able to take my time and not feel rushed.
Slow and steady wins the race today.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Day 11 - Not Exactly Olivia Walton

Between the cooking, cleaning, laundry, and tending to the children, many times Olivia Walton could be found doing some hand sewing. But me today? Between the cooking and laundry and scrubbing of cabinets and washing of dishes I could be found with my feet up in the recliner, watching The Waltons marathon on the Hallmark Channel's free preview.
If you’ve never watched The Waltons, you should. It’s a TV series from the 1970's set during the Depression. The lessons they learned back then may wind up being relevant to our lives in these tough COVID-19 days.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Day 10 - Below the Clouds

Today should have been the day we would be looking at the clouds from above. We should have been on a flight to San Francisco on our way to join the Grand Princess tomorrow.  But as we know, not only were all cruises cancelled, the ship is still under quarantine and anchored off of San Francisco. Our crew member buddy is among hundreds still onboard, locked down in passenger cabins, with temperature checks twice a day.  Thankfully he’s stayed well (at least physically) throughout the ordeal. An ordeal with an unknown head-home date.

When I look at those I know around the world, I’m thankful I’m safe and sound in my own home. Whether I am able to see the clouds from above or below, I know I’m one of the lucky ones.