Saturday, June 20, 2020

Day 94 - Summer Snack

On the first day of summer...
Put on your shorts and swimsuit top and head outside to your lounge chair.
And read the Little House series.
While having an adult beverage.
Which puts you to sleep.

Then wake up to find your husband delivering you a snack of cheese sticks, salami and pepperoni, crackers, and two kinds of mustard.

More like a meal, but I’ll take it on this fine first day of summer.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Day 93 - Foster Kitten Friday

As a foster parent to kittens, you bear some responsibility for the behaviors orphaned kittens exhibit as adult cats. There are things ingrained in them that require a little nudging on your part. Things like cleaning themselves and litter box use. Then there are those things requiring outright teaching. Maybe not so much teaching, but redirection.

My Simon & Garfunkel foster kittens are hitting the seven week mark and this has definitely been the week of nos and yeses. It's important to make sure they pick up good play habits and not bad ones so a lot of this week was spent redirecting their play time. To help keep them out of trouble, this is the week curtains came down, dishtowels and cords hidden, and tissue boxes and vent covers put away.

Here are a few (sometimes funny) activities this week.

Want to help contribute to the work I do with foster kittens? I have an Amazon wish list right here. These are the things I use again and again, year after year. With daily laundry and frequent cleaning, items have to be replaced often. I’d love anything you’d be willing to send my way!

Yes, you can play with the piece of ice I dropped. But next time we'll put it in your water bowl instead.
Want to watch TV? Yep, go ahead.
No, you can't eat my yogurt.
You also can't get into your bag of food.
No, you can't chew on my iPad.
But yes, you can play the fishing game.
You can also fall asleep on it, if you must.
You can even cheer for the home team while you're on the iPad. If sports were happening, that is.
No, you can't come into the bathroom with me. Oops, too late.
Parsley is tiny enough she can squeeze under the door.
And no tissues for you, either.
Please leave my dishtowel alone.
Dang, forgot about the other towel. Guess it'll be a bit before they let me get at this one.
Wrestle in the sunshine without the dishtowel? Go for it!
Steal my vent cover? Nope.
Yes, you can sit in the windowsill.
But nope, you can't climb on the screen.
Climb the wall as you chase your morning shadow? You betcha.
Rosemary the shadow climber with Thyme the basket boy.
No zipper and shoestring biting, missy.
Want to show me your pretty teeth? Sure. But remember, hands aren't for biting.
How about a game of tug of war? I'm okay with it.
Sage and Thyme
Sometimes it's a judgement call. Okay to be on the bookshelf? Maybe.
Thyme on the shelf with basket-explorer Parsley
Give your sister some lovin’? Absolutely!
Rosemary and Sage
Sleep peacefully? Well, of course that's okay.
Rather have me see your eyes? I'll take that, too!
Set up camp on a lap? Most certainly!
My daily pile-o’-kitties
Another lively week of foster kitties.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Day 92 - Bribery

In April, as we went into our second month of lock down, I made mystery treat bags to help get us through our evenings. In May, going into our third month of lock down, we had ice cream cones every evening. Here in June the stay at home orders in our state have expired. But we are still choosing to stay home for our evening treats - sugar free pudding and two graham crackers. Yep, it's getting more and more boring at home. And less and less safe "out there". The number of people crowding into spaces, ignoring social distancing, and the refusal of so many to wear masks makes it downright scary for us as high risk people right now.

So we stay home, only going out when we absolutely have to. Like today. It was another run to Simply Cats to pick up food and litter. As exhausted as I have been lately, I really wanted Mr. Ed to go with me. (He doesn't drive but it is good to have company in the car when you're so tired.)

How do you get him to leave the house? Food, of course. He's been missing those ice cream cones from last month. He's been watching lots of TV and seeing Dairy Queen advertising their summer Blizzard menu every day. Basically, he's been craving ice cream all the time!

Thankfully for him (and for me as the tired driver), Dairy Queen isn't out of the way when I'm heading to Simply Cats.

Sitting in the sun (finally, the sun!) and eating Blizzards in the parking lot made him a happy fellow.
He got his treat, kittens got their supplies, and I got a nap as soon as I got home.

Bribery works when it needs to.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Day 91 - Cat Naps

It might be the chilly and rainy weather we’ve been having lately, but I’ve been pretty darn tired this last week or so. I’ve had to force myself to get out of bed, force myself to shower, and force myself to get dressed. I’m doing the very minimal amount of things around the house because no matter how little I do I wear out fast. Not usually a napper, I find myself falling asleep in the recliner several times a day. I’d call what I’m doing cat naps, but others have dibs on the term.

Tomorrow we are supposed to have sunshine so hopefully no more cat napping for me. I’ll leave that job to the professionals, the true cat nappers.
Deb falls asleep and cats nap on her lap.

Want to help contribute to the work I do with foster kittens? I have an Amazon wish list right here. These are the things I use again and again, year after year. With daily laundry and frequent cleaning, items have to be replaced often. I’d love anything you’d be willing to send my way!

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Make a Quick & Easy Business Card Holder - Tutorial Tuesday

I know I said my Quick & Easy Gift Card Holder was probably the fastest thing I've ever made. Scratch that. I think this just may be the quickest and easiest.
Quick and Easy Homemade Fabric Business Card Holder Sewing Project

For this project you'll need:
Looking for more small projects? Check out these other ideas!

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Ready for the easy directions? Find the step-by-step how to tutorial for this quick and easy homemade fabric business card holder right here: