Saturday, June 24, 2023

Skjolden, Norway

Hello from Skjolden! 

Skjolden, Norway

We had to sail through Sognefjorden, the longest and deepest fjord in the world, to get to Skjolden. The views in the fjord were stunning. I've now visited eight different ports in Norway and I think the country might be the most beautiful place on earth.

sailing through Sognefjorden
Cloudy early but clear later
sailing through Sognefjorden
Ferry was running early
sailing through Sognefjorden
Green glacial silt waters
sailing through Sognefjorden
The smooth, clear waters reflected the land and sky
sailing through Sognefjorden
Again and again.
sailing through Sognefjorden
Which tunnel would you drive through?
Hint: There's really only one.
Once we arrived in Skjolden I had to get myself to one of the dining rooms to pick up the sticker for my tour. The Jotunheimen National Park and Sognefjell Mountain Pass tour was only the second one I've taken this trip. Being on a bus full of cruise ship passengers for four hours reminded me why I don't do excursions. Thanks to pushy, rude, and selfish adults, just getting an elevator (six tries), getting to the bus, and finding a seat on the bus started out rough for me. But the joke was on them because at the very back of the bus I finally found one open seat. Not just one, but five all the way across. All to myself.
Photo taken when everyone was gone
With the ability to take pictures out the left window and right window I went wild. We had a tour guide but sometimes she didn't tell us what we were seeing on both sides so I just took pictures of things I found interesting whether she mentioned them or not.
church in Skjolden, Norway
Sognefjell Mountain Pass
Sognefjell Mountain Pass
It's difficult to understand the size of the mountains 
frozen lake in Sognefjell Mountain Pass
Frozen lakes were beginning to melt
Sognefjell Mountain Pass
Sognefjell Mountain Pass
And a river runs through it
grooming trails for cross country skiing in Sognefjell Mountain Pass
Machines were grooming trails for cross country skiers
The road had lots of hairpin turns and was oh-so-narrow. When two vehicles approached each other someone was going to have to back up.
Have to be a skilled driver to avoid a head on collision
One of the busses overheated on the way up
and all the passengers had to wait for another
We stopped at a lodge for a waffle and another rough time was had. The bus driver left the bus for a smoke break without opening the hatch for the scooter or the several walkers onboard. All of us barely-mobile people had to carefully make our way from the bus to the building without our devices.
Jotunheimen National Park
Then we all had to climb the beaten up and uneven stone steps. For some of us it was quite the task. 
Not easy, but I did it!
Once inside we were rewarded with standing in a long line for some time because the 40 other people got there first with waffles. Jam and cream on mine, please. (At least I think it was. Still can't taste or smell a thing so it could have been sour cream for all I know.)
berries and waffles in Norway
After the quick snack AKA my lunch, I gingerly made my way back down the steps and sat at a table outside in the sun for a bit before carefully making my way to the bus for the return trip. 
Well, hello ewe
Some for you, Ed:
You know how I like my signs. I've never seen an orange X over one before.
Then in other things-going-rough news, my phone charger broke and it's one of the few things I didn't bring a backup for. I'm hoping I can find one in the shop onboard tomorrow before my phone completely dies. But wow, I'm so thankful the little piece didn't break off in the phone. Now that would be rough! 
But wait, there’s more. I have something in the how gross can you be department. My balcony extends out from the ship so the deck above me can see partially into my balcony, mostly when I’m near the railing. So I come back to the balcony tonight and spy a whole bunch of these. 
Looks to be toenail size
Based on the placement it appears a person in the cabin straight above me threw their cut nails on my balcony. Hey gross person, the deck plan tells me exactly which cabin you’re in, you know.

Not a minute too soon we're up with a sea day tomorrow. These old painful joints are desperate for some R & R before we get to our next port. This time we're heading to the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh. See you there on Monday!

Friday, June 23, 2023

Åndalsnes, Norway

Hello from Åndalsnes!

Åndalsnes, Norway
View from deck 15
Åndalsnes, Norway
View from the pier
I was a woman on a mission today. I wanted to ride the Rauma Railway's Åndalsnes to Dombas roundtrip route. It's supposed to be one of the most beautiful and scenic train rides through Norway. Tickets can be purchased online ahead of time but for those of us with wheelchairs and scooters we get this message:

So right after breakfast I left the ship for the train station to find out about wheelchair tickets. I had to ask more than one person - and had to go to more than one place - before I got the answer. Actually, lack of an answer. The Åndalsnes train station isn't a train station at all but just little room where you can wait for a train. I'm not exactly sure what role the workers at the counter had, but it definitely had nothing to do with the train. So a "staffed station" wasn't available. I left a bit dejected and contemplated calling the phone number to inquire about tickets but decided to go next door to partake in a different activity. 

It involved the top of this mountain.
And a car looking like this.
gondola at Åndalsnes, Norway
Yep, another ear popping gondola ride was in my future. The views on the way up were stunning.
But the weather wasn't nearly as cooperative as my gondola ride last week in Olden. As we got closer to the top the clouds started settling in on us. 
Heading to get my head in the clouds
foggy mountaintop at Åndalsnes, Norway
View from the top
One of the things I'm working on this summer is learning to be silent, still, and calm. To slow my breathing and mind. Today's mountain visit was a fantastic place to practice. 

I had the opportunity to watch the clouds as they moved in...
and start to move out.
foggy mountain top at Åndalsnes, Norway
I saw hikers reach the top and admire the landscape as it came into view.
I experienced the beauty of Norway as I remained calm, still, and silent.
After a lengthy bit of time in the cold brisk air, I went into the restaurant to continue my stillness. With a cup of hot chocolate.
I again witnessed the clouds roll in and roll out as more gondolas made their way to the top.
When I thought I saw all I needed to see I made my way back to the gondola. On a whim (just like yesterday) I asked if there was a way for me to access the ramps that lead to highest parts of the mountain. The girl led me to something I hadn't seen at any point when I was in the restaurant because it was behind the no entry sign. 
elevator to top ramps at Romsdalen in Åndalsnes, Norway
An elevator.
elevator to top ramps at Romsdalen in Åndalsnes, Norway
Past the no entry sign and to the right
It was another one of those where you have to continuously push the button. It stopped halfway because I didn't know. But now I do!
elevator controls at Romsdalen in Åndalsnes, Norway
The elevator led to the ramps. I took every single ramp all the way to the top.
mobility scooter at top of ramps at Romsdalen in Åndalsnes, Norway
Scooter needed a little assistance from my feet to help him make it up. But we did it!
I stopped at the end of the ramps so technically
we didn't make it totally all the way.
I was the only person with a cane or walker or wheelchair or scooter who tackled the climb. Several able bodied folks on the way up and down stopped to talk to me and were shocked? surprised? confused? about my little adventure. 

Not me. I was determined today. I think I even caught a glimpse of my old adventurous suck-the-marrow-from-life self. It may not be there tomorrow, but I'll take what I can today.

Just a few more photos from the day.
Don't look down if you're scared of heights
I was drinking my hot chocolate on the edge of a cliff? Yikes.
The ship on the way down from the mountain
The crosswalks in town were made of these. Ugh.
cruise ship docked at Åndalsnes, Norway
My home away from home

Tomorrow we're in Skjolden, our last port in Norway. See you then!