Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Tallin, Estonia

Hello from Tallin! 
Tallin, Estonia from cruise ship
Tallin, Estonia cruise ship pier
A windy walk down the pier
All week crew members have been talking about what a beautiful town Tallin was, yet I knew from my research it was going to be difficult for someone with mobility issues. So as soon as I climbed aboard the Hop On, Hop Off bus today I gave myself a little pep talk. Take it all in. Be okay with whatever happens. Appreciate the opportunity. Whatever you decide to do, it'll be enough. Those words would most definitely come in handy.

I first did the entire bus route while listening to the recorded narration. Estonia was not only under Nazi Germany control during World War II, but when Germany retreated Estonia fell under Soviet rule until 1991. The past history of Estonia certainly made the bus commentary different than most other tours I've taken. 

On the tour we drove on the outskirts of the old town, saw new and modern buildings in the newer part of town, and even drove through a forest.
Towers of flowers
old building in Tallin, Estonia
old building in Tallin, Estonia
Estonian Maritime Museum in Tallin, Estonia
Estonian Maritime Museum
Freedom Square in Tallin, Estonia
Freedom Square
reflection of a streetcar on a building window in Tallin, Estonia
I liked how the new mirrored building reflected the
older building across the street.
Maarjamae War Memorial in Tallin, Estonia
Maarjamae War Memorial honors the Soviets who helped
defend Estonians against Germany during World War II
Tallin TV tower in Tallin, Estonia
Tallin TV Tower was built to help provide communications
for the 1980 Moscow Summer Olympic Games
Of course I had to get my signs, statues, and sculptures in the picture, too.
road signs in Tallin, Estonia
Look like extra large rolls of toilet paper, don't they?
sculpture in Tallin, Estoniasculpture in Tallin, Estonia
Now all of that was the easy part. The Tallin the crew members were raving about wasn't accessible by bus, but you could get dropped off at the bottom or the top. On a second loop around on the HOHO bus I chose to get off at the top of the old town.
Ooh, it's going to get pretty
But first, a rough sidewalk and a steep incline.
I managed the first hill by dragging Scooter up it and even made my way down a side road (with Scooter carrying me) to get a better view of the Toompea Castle.
Toompea Castle in Tallin, Estonia
Once there I had only two choices - gravel or stairs - so I had to turn around.
Toompea Castle in Tallin, Estonia
Hmm...which way do I go?
Up another incline - again dragging Scooter along beside me - I came upon a Russian Orthodox Church, the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. (Check out how quickly the weather changed in the time it took me to drag Scooter from one side of the building to the other. Yeah, yeah, I'm super slow.)
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Tallin, EstoniaAlexander Nevsky Cathedral in Tallin, Estonia
Across the street was the Parliament of Estonia.
Parliament of Estonia in Tallin, Estonia
Up the hill farther looked really interesting.
But when I looked at the sidewalk
and then the steepness of the incline...
cobblestone streets in old town in Tallin, Estonia
I decided not to try it. I looked all over for alternative routes to take but there wasn't anything I could manage on the scooter. Now what was I supposed to remember? Okay...
Take it all in. 
Be okay with whatever happens. 
Appreciate the opportunity. 
Whatever you decide to do, it'll be enough.

And it will have to be. 

I did stop by the terminal building on the way back to the ship to pick up some bling for the scooter and found some interesting bathrooms. I have absolutely no idea which one is which. Glad I didn't have to go!
bathrooms at cruise port terminal in Tallin, Estonia
Maybe the boy on the left and girl on the right?

We have a much needed sea day coming up tomorrow as well as the Most Traveled Luncheon. Then on Friday the ship will be making a run back over to Visby, Sweden in hopes the weather will let us make land, unlike our first try on Sunday. See you then!

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Stockholm, Sweden - Day 2

Hello from a second day in Stockholm, Sweden! 

All aboard was at 1:30 PM so to make the most of the day it was going to need to start early. For me it began at about 6:30 AM on the balcony. The Viking ferry had just arrived full of passengers and their cars, and truck drivers and their trucks. Vehicles were going here, there, and everywhere, both leaving the ferry and lining up to join the ferry. 

The wind was cool and brisk but you can tell by the blue skies it might be a good day to do one more trip around on the HOHO bus. 

Viking ferry traffic in Stockholm, Sweden
Such an organized process
By the time I got back from breakfast the clouds had started moving in. And the Hop On, Hop Off line was getting long.
hop on hop off buses in Stockholm, Sweden
It still wouldn't have kept me from another ride around the city, but Scooter did. He was having a bit of trouble yesterday trying to go up the ramp when we came back on the ship. Then this morning he wouldn't turn left. 
I'm sure it was a combination of things: 
*The gravel issue we encountered in Seydisfjordur, Iceland
*The buckled and uneven pavers we drove over in Honningsvag, Norway
*The muddy muck we ran into in Trondheim, Norway

Geez, the guy has been through a lot! Since left turns are kind of an important thing I decided to stay on the ship and do some scooter maintenance. I covered the table with a pool towel and put him on top and took things apart and cleaned things up. Although I replaced the drive belt right before this trip - and it still looks good now - I took a chance and tightened the tension. I did some donuts in the cabin and I am optimistic we're all set. Fingers crossed.

That left me the rest of the morning and early afternoon for sitting in the sun and watching the happenings on the dock. Did you know there are trucks that move trailers around and then the driver turns his seat around and drives the other way to pick up the next load?
He's sitting in the cab facing (and driving) in the direction of the arrow. Wow.

My in-the-sun time on the balcony continued as we sailed away. To sail out of Stockholm the ship has to navigate hours worth of waterways. Such a pretty way to get in and out of a city. Here are just a few of the photos I took along the way.
Stockholm, Sweden wateraways
Statues along waterway in Stockholm, Sweden
Someone is eating on their balcony and its not me. 
Dang seagulls.

Tomorrow we'll be in Tallin, Estonia. It's another port where I had a no-you-can't-go accessible tour scheduled so I'll be coming up with something else to do. See you then!

Monday, July 3, 2023

Stockholm, Sweden - Day 1

Hello from Stockholm, Sweden!

Stockholm, Sweden waterways

Port security maybe?

As I was researching an alternative to my no-you-can’t-go tour I found there was really only one option - my good ole standby, the Hop On, Hop Off bus.

hop on hop off bus at Stockholm cruise port
There they are!

The ship added it to their excursion list a couple days ago, but as before if you book through the ship you have to leave at the time they say. I wanted to go when I wanted to go so I did it independently.

The city of Stockholm is built on 14 islands. Who knew? While the HOHO bus didn’t get us to all of them it did give a nice overview of the city. Stockholm is a tall city with beautiful buildings so folks riding on the top level of the bus got a magnificent view. I stayed down below so my sights were limited. 

So many construction cranes

When I could, I focused on individual buildings.

Vasa Museum in Stockholm, Sweden


ABBA museum Stockholm, Sweden
Large boots on a roof? It’s the ABBA museum!

I also focused on buildings along roadways, alleyways, and waterways.

old buildings in Stockholm, Sweden


Archways were interesting…

old buildings in Stockholm, Sweden

blue archway in Stockholm, Sweden 
as were signs.
Translation: “ Very limited access for bicycles at Slussen subway, Russian Guard, Another way”
was planning on doing the whole loop and then going back and getting off the second time around but heavy rain started and changed my plans. And ended my picture taking.
We’re here overnight and since my HOHO ticket is good for 24 hours I might be able to take my second swing through the city tomorrow morning. Only time will tell - but it’ll be the weather calling the shots. See you then!

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Not Visby, Sweden

Hello from not Visby, Sweden. 

While I was at breakfast this morning the town popped into view and then it went away. Unfortunately gusty 30+ knot winds made it unsafe for the ship to dock so we turned around and left.

Our path as seen on
While I was disappointed I knew it was for the best for our safety - and my recovery. The painful after effects from yesterday’s jaunt are still with me so I figured it best to rest up for the busy and exciting month. I have several handicapped accessible excursions booked through the ship coming up in these Baltic ports. Finally I won’t have the difficult task of struggling up and down stairs on a bus because these vehicles have lifts. Awesome!


Except I got a call from the shore excursion desk this morning telling me I won’t be able to take any of my tours these next few weeks because they are meant for wheelchairs, not scooters. By their standards I’m not handicapped enough to qualify for accessible excursions. Huh? 

To say I’m disappointed and frustrated and discouraged and saddened and dejected and bordering-on-crushed would be an understatement. These were the ship tours I was most looking forward to. Tours that would take me where I wanted to go, could accommodate my scooter, and not require the painful ups and downs on steep bus steps. I know it’ll be fine because I’ll figure something out to do on my own like I’ve done everywhere else, but dang it.

To drown my sorrows I contemplated busting into my mini bar and making something with several mini bottles of vodka. 
Every cruise it multiplies. I’ve got some catching up to do.
With the clouds parting on an unexpected sea day and the sun shining on my balcony it would be the perfect day for it. Instead I just sat in the sun, listened to the waves, and breathed in fresh sea air as I sipped on a Diet Coke. (The day isn’t over so there still could be time for vodka!)

We’ll be in Stockholm, Sweden tomorrow for an overnight visit where the weather is supposed to be awful and I no longer have a tour. See you there for something I obviously don’t have planned yet.