Monday, September 4, 2023

Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska

Hello from Glacier Bay! It was a rainy and cool day here today.

Glacier Bay National Park ice in water

With the weather all gloomy - and not wanting to deal with the coughing crowds in the buffet line - I did something I’ve only done twice this summer. When my alarm clock rang at 6AM I turned it off, stayed in my nightgown, pressed the privacy button on my door panel, climbed back into bed, and went back to sleep. When the ship’s fog horn woke me up I knew I had made the right decision to pass on breakfast but not on sleep.

It was a later arrival to Glacier Bay today so it all worked out. After my room service lunch of chili and grilled cheese but before my room service dinner of a turkey sandwich I had a picture of Lamplugh Glacier.
Lamplugh Glacier in Glacier Bay National Park Alaska

I had a picture of John Hopkins Glacier.
John Hopkins Glacier in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska

I had a picture of a raft of sea otters. So. Many. Otters.
Raft of sea otters in Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska

And us lucky ducks even made it to Margerie Glacier today. I did see it calving but missed getting a photo of it.
Margerie Glacier in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska

And for the first time since Covid quarantine I stayed in the cabin the entire day. (Don’t worry, I’m fine.) There are lots of sick folks on the ship right now with no regards as to where they are coughing or who they are crowding. With the bad weather we’ve had the last couple days it’ll be spreading and I don’t need them hovering over the top of me when I’m sitting on my scooter when it does. 

Tomorrow we’re back to Skagway and will be in the prime Broadway Dock spot. I’m planning on getting off the ship early before the town gets busy. See you then!

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Northern Lights in Alaska

The Northern Lights are alive and well in Alaska! 

For the last several months as I cruised above the Arctic Circle I kept my eyes on NOAA's 30 minute Aurora forecast. You can find the website here. I was in Iceland and Norway in June, July, and August of this year and the 24 hour and almost 24 hour sunny days stopped me from seeing them. A couple weeks ago in Greenland my inability to know how to take a picture of them stopped me from seeing them. But I still kept my eye on the forecast and things worked out in my favor this month.

Two nights ago as we were pulling into Whittier, Alaska they started to make an appearance. Then again last night there was a brief moment where they popped up again. Here's an important thing to know - your camera can see them much better than your eyes can. If I saw something looking a bit greenish I'd hold my camera up and by golly, there they were. 

Just like being able to experience Greenland by way of cruising Prince Christian Sound, visiting two coastal villages, and seeing it from above all in one week made my Greenland trip complete, being able to see Northern Lights on the last leg of my 4 month long journey has made my Super Sensational Solo Summer Adventure complete. And it's not even over yet!

I don't think I'll be complaining about my iPhone camera anymore. I can't choose a favorite photo so you get to see them all. 

Northern Lights with blue sky in Whittier AlaskaNorthern Lights over mountains in Whittier AlaskaNorthern Lights over mountainsDouble row of Northern Lights over mountains and oceanDouble row of Northern Lights over mountains and oceanNorthern Lights over mountains in Whittier Alaska
Northern Lights over mountains in Whittier Alaska
Northern Lights over mountains in Whittier AlaskaNorthern Lights over mountains and ocean in Whittier AlaskaNorthern Lights over mountains and ocean in Whittier Alaska
Northern Lights over mountains and ocean in Whittier Alaska

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Whittier, Alaska

Hello from Whittier, Alaska!

Town of Whittier Alaska from cruise ship deck
What a beautiful day. Since it's usually rainy when we're here I decided to spend my day exploring. And exploring I did! When I messaged my husband to tell him I had a great and interesting day he wanted to know why. So I wrapped it all up in one text.
He can see the pictures on his iPad and now you can see the pictures, too.
The Inn at Whittier Alaska
Our hotel is closed for the season
Avis car rental ramp at Whittier Alaska
New ramp at the car rental/harbor store/liquor store
Walkers outside Harbor store at Whittier Alaska
With walkers for those who need them
Begich Towers in Whittier Alaska
Orange and white building where everyone lives
View towards cruise port in Whittier Alaska
View from the school's playground
Log Cabin Gift Shop in Whittier Alaska
Little shops and cafes at the end of the marina
View from water's edge in Whittier Alaska
Sat at a picnic table at the edge of the water at the end of the marina
Saw otters going into the fish cleaning stations and digging out the scraps. Then they played follow the leader afterwards. This one's a video!
Alaskan Railroad arriving in Whittier Alaska
Saw the train come in
Should I go on? I have to because I forgot to tell him a couple things. I scootered my way towards the tunnel...
Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel in Whittier Alaska
and saw there is a new pier being built. It's a joint venture between Norwegian Cruise Line, Huna Totem Development Corporation (I think they are the ones who built Icy Strait Point which is nothing but a tourist trap made just for cruise ships), and the City of Whittier. This new pier is only phase one and is located at the end of the bay so I suspect the area around it will become another man-made fake cruise port.
Building a Norwegian cruise ship terminal in Whittier Alaska
I used up both batteries today (on mostly paved roads, even) so I know my adventure was a long one.
Grand Princess cruise ship docked in Whittier Alaska
Almost home
Tomorrow we're in Yakutat Bay and will see Hubbard Glacier. Update:We have passengers traveling by train to the ship who have been very delayed because of a mudslide. They won’t be arriving to the ship until almost midnight (poor folks!) so we will be skipping Hubbard Glacier and Yakutat Bay tomorrow. You can read and see photos of some of my previous visits to Hubbard Glacier and Yakutat Bay here and here

Tomorrow I have some simply amazing photos I took last night that deserve their very own blog post. I have another chance to take more of these special photos again tonight so come back tomorrow for what is the icing on the cake when taking a trip up north. See you then!

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Glacier Bay, Alaska

Hello from Glacier Bay!
John Hopkins Glacier in Glacier Bay National Park Alaska
John Hopkins Glacier
Some guests found today a little disappointing and I would agree. Usually the highlight of Glacier Bay day is our trip up to Margerie Glacier. That's where the ship hangs out for an hour so we get a good chance to see glaciers calving. But we didn't even get in sight of the glacier, with the reason having to do with seals on the ice. We only went as far as John Hopkins Glacier and spent our hour there and, while it's pretty, it's certainly not worth an hour visit. Gotta keep a schedule, though.

While the weather wasn't the best, I still was able to get some photos of our day. And yes, the water is that color from the glacial silt.
View from cruise ship of Glacier Bay AlaskaView from cruise ship of Glacier Bay AlaskaView from cruise ship of Glacier Bay AlaskaView from cruise ship of Glacier Bay AlaskaView from cruise ship of Glacier Bay Alaska
View from cruise ship of foggy Glacier Bay Alaska
View from cruise ship of  foggy Glacier Bay Alaska

I've taken much better photos in some of our past visits. You can check them out here:

At one point in listening to the naturalist today I realized I'm not the target demographic for cruisers to Alaska these days. It happened when he said something like, If we were Game of Thrones we'd be north of the wall. Uh, what? I had to text my millennial daughter to find out what he meant. If you didn't have a clue like me, here was her response:
So why not just say that for the rest of us? Or just say we're in a land with few people? Oh, well. I still enjoyed the day, tucked out of the wind on my balcony.

Tomorrow we're cruising College Fjord. I won't be back to post pictures because I have plenty of them already, but I will be back on Saturday for my turnaround day in Whittier, Alaska. See you then!

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Skagway, Alaska

Hello from Skagway!

Skagway from Railroad Forward cruise ship dock
Today we were docked at the forward Railroad Dock, right alongside the slide area. Before our trip to Skagway last year the hillside gave way and tore up part of the dock. Some of the debris even hit one of the Princess cruise ships. They are still working on the situation and have two different plans for the ships docked along the hillside. For those ships docked aft (at the back of the dock) they are running shuttles back and forth for the passengers to get past the danger zone. For ships docked forward (like us today), they have to run their tenders (water shuttles) to get passengers to and from shore. No walking off the ship like the good old days.
Slide area in Skagway Alaska in August 2023
See the steep blue ramp? Gotta take a tender over there and use that coming and going if you want to go to Skagway when you're docked in RRF (Railroad Forward).
Tender line in Skagway Alaska
So I stayed onboard today. I had several reasons:
The thought of the long, long tender lines
Knowing I will be here next week when we'll be docked in the prime spot, the Broadway Dock
A cool and breezy day making a rougher tender ride
And...I'm not as strong as I thought I was.

Here I was all bragging yesterday about being stronger, but two miles scootering on the wooden walkways didn't do my body good. As I found out in the middle of the night, a Charlie horse in my left calf combined with a sciatic nerve that all of a sudden decided to make an appearance on my right side made for a rough go of it. Dealing with both at the same time while sleeping on a twin bed? It was not pretty. There were a few moans and groans and maybe even some whimpering as I tried to find a less painful way to sleep. As I was mostly unsuccessful during the night time hours I decided to spend the daytime hours keeping a low profile in the cabin. 

I did make my way to Crown Grill for dinner and had a filet mignon, the first red meat I've had in months. As I made my way out, the Puppies in the Piazza was starting up. I watched and listened a bit. I'm still not sure about the whole the puppies need socialization thing. These guys were 15 weeks old and pretty hyper, with one tearing up a stuffed animal before greeting the first passengers. I watched the handlers give them handfuls of ice cubes to chew. It wasn't warm at all, so does it maybe calm them down?
Princess Cruises Puppies in the Piazza
On my way back to the cabin I heard Steve Hites' voice coming from the Explorers Lounge so I stopped in and listened to his show. He's a storyteller who adds song with his presentation about Alaska. It was interesting watching and listening to him (and the audience reaction) as I think storytelling now isn't appreciated as much as it was when we first saw him almost 20 years ago.

Tomorrow we're in Glacier Bay. It'll be an early morning and a long day. I wonder how I'll feel about it now that I've been to Norway and Prince Christian Sound in Greenland. See you then!

Before I go, here's today's quick video of Skagway taken from Deck 15.
If you're interested, I've written about Skagway several times before: