Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Easy to Make Fabric Gift Card Holders - Day 244 of 365, Tutorial Tuesday

As an only child, my daughter used to get quite spoiled at Christmas. We bought her plenty of toys, books, and games. Too many of them. It took us a few years to figure out what we were doing. When we figured that out, we stopped doing the too-many-presents kind of Christmases.

Now we operate on the Christmas list kind of Christmas. She doesn't ask for much, but I feel like we should be getting her presents that aren't on "the list". Even though she's 23, I still feel like she's a kid and deserves many more presents than the adults.

Gift cards are a big one. I don't know how we got started with the gift card thing. When she was younger, I don't remember gift cards even being around. Gift certificates, yes. Gift cards, no. But now it seems you can buy gift cards for just about anywhere. Even the grocery store sells gift cards for dozens and dozens of other retailers. So over the years she's gotten gift cards for grocery stores, department stores, and restaurants. We've spent more on gift cards than we have other presents for both Christmas and her birthday.

Thinking ahead to Christmas and knowing gift cards might again be part of our gift giving, I made some gift card holders.

Homemade Quick and Easy Fabric Gift Card Holders Sewing Project

A great way - and super easy and quick way - to use up some scrap fabric.

For this project you will need:

Looking for more quick and easy projects? Check out these ideas!

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You can find the step-by-step how to tutorial for the quick and easy gift card holder sewing project right here:

Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 243 of 365

A week ago I made a list. A list of everything I was going to accomplish on my week off. Let's see how I did.

I was going to:
  • Quilt all my unfinished quilt tops. (Finished some on Day 236, Day 238, and today. But still working on them.)
  • Do a tutorial for Stockings for Soldiers. On how to make the stockings, of course. (Check. Day 237.)
  • Call to get roofing quotes. Yuck. (Still yuck. And still not done.)
  • Write up directions for the strip quilt for my school's Project Linus blankets. (Nope, not in writing yet.)
  • Put the electric blanket on the bed. (Decided to skip it. Hubby always turns it up too high anyway.)
  • Dust, dust, dust. (Uh, no.)
  • Put new curtains up in the bedroom. Finally. (Uh, another no. Will wait until I get a new quilt on the bed.)
  • Rake leaves. Rake leaves. Rake leaves. (Not even once. It's windy, so I'm hoping the wind will blow them away.)
  • Take the casino bus for the day. Free food, $50 in free play. Yay! (Yep. Yay!)
  • Make final payments on all the medical bills that have been dragging on for ages - physical therapy, MRI, and ultrasounds. (Yep, all clear for now.)
  • If the hard freeze comes this week as predicted - pull up the pepper plants and pick the remaining pumpkins and watermelon. (Yep. And did a couple pumpkins with my daughter on Day 240 and went watermelon bowling on Day 239.)

Could have been better, but not too bad. Still have some things to get done this week so they'll have to fit in on my non-work days.

Another quilt top done for Quilts for Kids today. Embarrassingly it's the one from quite some time ago. The Wizard of Oz one from Day 157 and 163 that I never got around to finishing until now.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 242 of 365

How do you get yourself out of bed when you feel horrible? How do you force yourself to sit at the computer and write? And find joy in sewing again? For 242 straight days I've made myself do it. But some days - like today - I wonder if I can continue.

There are good days, bad days, and even worse days. I'm running a long stretch of days bordering on pretty darn bad. I still can't shake this flu and it's wearing on me. I'm tired, I'm sick, and I'm dreading going back to work this week. It's not like I don't feel crappy enough every day as it is, but now I'm having to dig deeper than ever to find the strength to keep moving forward.

My day's horoscope read:
If you're thinking about making a change in your life, take it slowly -- whether it's a major change or a minor one. Gradual transitions are much more advantageous than abrupt changes right now -- you need to maintain balance in your life. If you swing from extreme to extreme, you'll spend so much energy trying to get back on an even keel that your speed will be wasted. Slow and steady beats fast and frantic right now.

So no changes. I'll just keep plugging along. Writing, picture taking, trying to get through the day.

Although the only picture I could scrape together is a grasshopper staring up at me. While quite unattractive, he (or she) is quite interesting to look at up close.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day 241 of 365

I put my clothes in the bedroom closet for the first time today.

Here's the deal - my husband is a clothes hound. He likes dressing well. Doesn't own a pair of jeans. He wears a tie to work every day. Loves button down dress shirts. Likes his suits. Over a hundred ties, dozens and dozens of dress shirts in every possible color, and a whole bunch of dress pants equates to a full closet.

The house we live in was build in the 70's with regular sized closets. Ever since we moved into this house - going on 14 years now - I've kept all my clothes in the den closet so that he's had room for all his clothes. So every single morning to get dressed for work I've had to head down the hall to get my clothes. But being in that introspective/contemplative mood this week got me thinking.

Why can't we share the bedroom closet?

It's not like he wears everything in his closet and I certainly don't wear everything in mine. So today (and without much prodding, either) my husband cleaned out a portion of his closet. He found some things to add to the donation box and summer clothes he could store in the den closet. It left enough room for me to bring in the few work outfits I have and hang them up.

For the first time ever, I now will be able to choose my clothes and get dressed in the same room. I have no idea why I didn't think about making this move sooner. 

I also have no idea why I chose to take this picture today. Sitting outside our local grocery store while hubby was in picking up some steak so he could have fajitas for his dinner tonight, I snapped a shot of the crisscrossing power lines. Maybe it had something to do with the stormy clouds in the background or the crows that had just flown by. Kinda Halloween-y.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 240 of 365

Having this week off from work has made me more introspective. Or contemplative. Whichever term fits best.

Hubby and I were in town today, and on the way home we decided to come the back way. It was a gorgeous autumn day with trees in many different colors - greens, yellows, oranges, reds, and some that even appeared to be a deep purple. Just like when the trees are blooming in the spring, the fall trees signal a change in season and a change in thought.

As we drove that back way home it hit me that I don't get out much. We live so close to so many things we don't take advantage of.

On the back roads, less than 10 minutes from our house, we drove:
  • Across the dam of the lake. A lake that we never go to.
  • By the Wildlife Refuge. Not a bird watcher so we never stop.
  • Through the fruit orchards and by fruit stands. Yet we buy our fruit at the grocery store.
  • By the winery. Since I don't drink wine, I've only been there once. 
  • By the park by the river. The one with the paved walking path I used to walk on years ago. And the one with the stocked fishing pond. And we don't fish.

Why do we not go to the lake or to the Wildlife Refuge? Why do we not buy our fruit at the fruit stand? Or stop at the winery for my hubby to do some tasting? Why don't I walk at the park anymore and why doesn't one of us get a fishing license?
    Questions with no answers. Laziness, forgetfulness, or busyness?

    And why did we grow pumpkins when we don't carve them?

    Thank goodness for my daughter forcing me to do something with them. (Not really forcing me - it was good mom-daughter time.) No carving, no messy seeds and guts to deal with. Just a pattern printed off the internet, traced onto the pumpkin with a straight pin, and cut out with some tools.