Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 481

The thought of getting these quilts to Alaska is what is keeping me moving forward. Although today I felt like I was stuck in the Twilight Zone.

Part of the problem is that I had this math class starting this morning and I SO didn't want to go. To keep my teaching certificate current I have to take this class. I've put it off for a couple years and can't wait much longer. So today it started.

An entire day - an entire week - of 30+ people crammed into a 5th grade classroom with 5th grade tables and 5th grade sized plastic chairs. By the time my eight hours was up today my back was done for. (Not to mention we spent an hour and a half working through one math problem. One problem, 90 minutes. Talk about brains being scrambled.)

And those work phone calls I was crossing my fingers and hoping I wouldn't get now that I'm done for the summer? I've had two so far.

No escaping anyone or anything. I'm so thankful I can sew!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 480

Day 336 brought me a package of fabric from Paula O. Fabric she didn't have a need for, fabric she wanted me to have.

Day 430 brought me a package from Brenda in Alaska. Brenda who works at a fabric store and came across some strips someone had left behind.

Thanks to those two people, here's today's math problem:
Day 336 + Day 430 + working all day in the sewing room = ??

Another charity quilt top. And Brenda, when I knew where this one was going I had to make sure your strips found a way into the quilt. This one will head to a little girl who has a dad in the Army. Stationed in Alaska.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 479

From a bed of dirt on Day 16 to this on Day 479. What else can I say? Yum.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 478

I walked out of the house at 6:30 this morning to get to a work meeting. After having several different meetings and discussions in three different buildings (and a couple different towns) I finally walked back into the house after 6:30 this evening.

Now I can officially say my work is done. The way this year went it only seems fitting that my last day at work was a long one. I'll return August 1st, but in the meantime I have to go to school and be a student. In yet another town I'm taking a class all day, every day for the next week. Then I'll really be done. (I hope. It seems my job has become an always-on-call job. I'm crossing my fingers for no calls.)

Work is complete. Flowers in bloom.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 477

As usual it's nice to have kiddo home. This time she chased down a stray butterfly/moth flying around the hallway and picked some mega-radishes. She also scolded us for not picking the radishes often enough. She's got a point - smaller would have been much better tasting in this morning's juice. I don't say yuck about our juice much, but today? Yuck.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 476

No Win It Wednesday today. Time for a break.

No break from sewing, though. Another top done for Operation Kid Comfort. (Faces are blurred on purpose.)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day 475

Once I got home it didn't take me long to get back into the groove. Another quilt top done for Quilts for Kids using their fun, bright fabric.