Thursday, June 8, 2023

Seydisfjordur, Iceland

Welcome to Seydisfjordur!

Seydisfjordur, Iceland

I wasn't sure how welcoming I was going to be after the middle of the night coughing fit I couldn't stop. The positive side of it? Catching the sunrise. 

Time stamp 2:16 AM

It was late (guess early since the sun was already up?) before I finally got settled back in and calmed down so I turned off my alarm and decided to sleep in. Even when I did wake up, I stayed in bed not sure of what I was going to do. Take the easy way out and stay onboard and do laundry or drag myself out of bed and take the big, bad world head on? After multiple conversations talking myself in and out of both choices, I opted to put on my big girl pants and plow forward.

I'm sure glad I did. 

Challenge number one was tendering. While I've taken tenders in ports here, there, and everywhere, not all ships are the same. Couldn't have been easier here on the Island Princess. Grab a tender ticket in the Wheelhouse Bar and take the elevator down to deck 4 midship. There is where they have a second little plexiglass-enclosed lift for wheelchairs. Hold the floor button to go down and press the deck 4 button to go back up when you get back. Gotta hold it continuously or you'll stop midway. Oops.
controls to elevator platform on the Island Princess
On my way back up after a great day ashore
Getting off the tender shoreside, it's several steps to get down to the pier level. Then it's another step up and a bit of a steep walk to the top but handrails on both sides help. Shore personnel already had my scooter up at the top waiting for me.
ramp at cruise tender port in Seydisfjordur, Iceland
Here's where I found what Scooter dislikes as much as rain and hills. Gravel.

I found driving on the grass worked better, but there was a big chunk where there was no grass and the only way Scooter would go was if I pulled him. Talk about a workout. Once a little ways outside the port the walkways and roads were paved. Sometimes smooth, sometimes bumpy, but nothing we couldn't handle.

Taking a right outside the port area gets you to the blue ferry building. 
outside of ferry building in Seydisfjordur, Iceland
There is a nice little seating area, ferry check-in, car rental, and a little gift shop/information booth. The car rentals were closed up when I was in the building so it may have been mostly for the ferry passengers.
inside of ferry building in Seydisfjordur, Icelandcar rental counter at Seydisfjordur, Iceland ferry building
ferry leaving Seydisfjordur, Iceland
Off goes the ferry
Continuing that direction, I ran into several signs of interest. I couldn't get Scooter down there but they seemed to capture peoples attentions.
Continuing around to the right you find you can make a loop all the way around the town.
If you had gone straight out of the port area instead you would have run into a waterfall. 
waterfall in Seydisfjordur, Iceland
Difficult to understand the scale but it was a big one

The town is very small and easily walkable. Scooter wasn't happy with some of the rougher pavement but it didn't stop him from allowing me to take all the pictures I wanted.

Of flowers.
Artwork on buildings.
artwork on buildings in Seydisfjordur, Iceland
The rainbow street and blue church.
rainbow street and church in Seydisfjordur, Iceland
Even of someone's pet.
And then there were the landscapes. Just stunning.
landscape view of Seydisfjordur, Iceland
landscape view of Seydisfjordur, Iceland
Even Scooter got in the action and had a lovely view on the tender ride back.
Once back onboard I tucked myself out of the wind,
Flags for you, Ed
found a spot up top, and took off my jacket and basked in the sunlight yet again.
Once it clouded up it was my signal to get the laundry done. Since my husband took over laundry duties years ago, I had forgotten how cut-throat cruise ship passengers can be when crammed in a small room waiting for the timers to go to zero. Oh, my. 

We have two sea days before we are in Falmouth/Cornwall, England. I have no plans there so far, but we'll see what I can come up with. Or not.
One more waterfall down the fjord

Time zone changes so far: 7 with another tonight

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Akureyri, Iceland

Welcome to Akureyri!

This morning’s approach as seen on the Akureyri webcam

Before I talk about today, I have to talk about last night.  I was already in bed with my sleep mask on (thanks to the land of the midnight sun) when I felt the ship make some turns and list a couple of times. Not thinking too much of it, I moved more into the middle of the bed. My mask dislodged and I saw something white go by outside. And more white and more white. I can’t see a thing without my glasses but once I got them on I said three words out loud.

Oh. My. Gosh.

Remember how I mentioned yesterday we’d be going above the Arctic Circle? Well not only did we cross it but we ran into Arctic ice while we were there! 

sailing through Arctic ice on a cruise ship
Yes, we sailed through this
I've sailed through ice from glaciers in Alaska a couple dozen times. But this ice was something special. Bigger. More imposing. And there was a lot of it. Note: All the pictures were taken after midnight so you can see how light it was at that time.
sailing through Arctic ice on a cruise shipsailing through Arctic ice on a cruise ship
Even after the ship quietly and gently sailed through it all, I could still see what looked to be even heavier ice off the port side for quite some time. 
sailing through Arctic ice on a cruise ship
Wonder if an ice breaker would be needed to head north into this?

It made for a very exciting night. Just think, if I didn't need to readjust my sleep mask I would have missed it completely. The Captain said it was unexpected and unusual for this time of year so it was a shock to us all.
sailing through Arctic ice on a cruise ship
Now back to Akureyri. After yesterday's wet and frigid day we arrived today to clear skies.
Akureyri, Iceland
My plan for the day was the Hop On Hop Off bus. From what I had researched the pick up would be very close to the pier. Boy, it certainly was. Right out of the gate.
hop on hop off bus at cruise terminal in Akureyri, Iceland
Their HOHO is white, not red
The bus couldn't get any closer to the ship if it tried
A few notes about the bus:
*It didn’t do a typical narration with headphones but had some monitors with audio and video instead.
*There were only about half a dozen of us riding. Great for me who is still trying to stay away from crowds! I went earlier in the morning so I don’t know if it got busier later.
*There was a place for Scooter with a seat for me nearby.
*It cost 5000 Icelandic Krona which is about 35 US dollars. I paid with my card but don’t know if he would take ISK cash or not.
*The full loop took 45 minutes.

I was going to ride the bus the entire loop to get my bearings and decide where I wanted to hop off on a second trip around.
There were some places I had in mind. The botanical garden at stop #7 was a possibility, but being there were several ship tour busses when we passed by I decided to avoid those crowds. The pool at #9 was an option but not one I wanted to take up today.
Akureyri, Iceland swimming pool
Sightseeing through old town, checking out museums, or taking photos of the churches were options. Some of the town is hilly and since Scooter is not a fan of hills, I didn't feel up to the extra work of dragging him around. So I stayed put and took all my photos from inside the bus.
heart stoplight in Akureyri, Iceland
All of their red stoplights are hearts
Hockey rink for you, Ed.
Since it was such a nice day I headed back to the ship earlier than planned and sat outside with my sweatshirt on and soaked up some rays by the pool, trying oh-so-hard to heal myself.
Akureyri, Iceland  airport runway seen from cruise ship
I waited to see how many airplanes I could get flying straight over the ship but found they used the other end of the runway for landing and take off. Guess we're not on Maho Beach in St. Maarten? (Although, later a large plane flew over and I missed it.)
The clouds moved in later in the day, forming some interesting patterns.
We'll be back here twice more this summer and since I now have my bearings I'll be able to hit the ground running next time. If I’m feeling brave I might even try out the free city bus.

Tomorrow we're in our last Icelandic port of this cruise, Seydisfjordur. It's another tender port and this time I'm really, really, really wishing for dry weather. Between here and there we again go above and below the Arctic Circle where the Captain is certainly hoping for no ice tonight. See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Isafjordur, Iceland

Hello from Isafjordur! 

Isafjordur, Iceland

Well, more like from hello from a ship with a view of the town of Isafjordur as I never made it ashore today. It wasn’t because of the tender situation, either. Waters appeared smooth which is always a plus.

Princess ship cruise ship water shuttle
It was because of this:
Bridge cam view most of the day
It’s not because I’m afraid of getting my hair wet, or fearful of braving such cold temperatures as these

Take note of the sunrise and sunset times.
It’s never dark in these lands!
But Scooter? That’s a different story. As I found out during our last cruise, wet surfaces and scooter tires are a bad combination. With only one of the three wheels with a drive belt on it, I have to be super careful when driving on slippery surfaces. Even a little baby turn or a tiny little bump can cause me to lose traction and make the scooter go catawampus. 

I really wanted to go ashore, so first I went on two different outdoor decks and onto multiple surfaces to try out some white-knuckle icy-road no-four-wheel drive maneuvering. Uh, no go. Making lemonade out of lemons (and unintentionally trying out two-handed, two-footed braking skills), I did snag some pictures.
Still some snow out there
These looked to be some type of fishing nets or pots
A closer look at them. Beautiful landscape, huh?
Movies Under the Stars had scenes of Glacier Bay showing.
Today is certainly colder than Alaska is right now.
Tomorrow we’re in yet another port in Iceland, Akureyri. Between here and there we’ll cross above, and then back below, the Arctic Circle. Way cool. Literally!